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At Daily News Nepal, we believe that advertising is an important part of our business and helps to support the high-quality journalism that we produce. However, we also recognize the need to be transparent about our advertising practices and to ensure that our advertising content is clearly distinguishable from our editorial content. This Advertising Policy explains how we handle advertising on our website,, and our approach to ensuring that our advertising content is clearly labeled and distinguishable from our editorial content. Types of Advertising We Accept We accept a range of advertising formats on our website, including display ads, sponsored content, and sponsored events. All advertising content on our website must comply with our Advertising Guidelines, which are designed to ensure that our advertising content is truthful, accurate, and clearly distinguishable from our editorial content. Disclosure of Sponsored Content We strive to be transparent about the sponsored content we publish on our website. When we publish sponsored content, we will clearly label it as such and disclose the sponsor in the headline or the beginning of the article. Sponsored content will also be clearly distinguished from our editorial content through the use of visual design elements. Advertising Guidelines All advertising content on our website must comply with our Advertising Guidelines, which are designed to ensure that our advertising content is truthful, accurate, and clearly distinguishable from our editorial content. These guidelines apply to all forms of advertising on our website, including display ads, sponsored content, and sponsored events. Truthful and accurate: All advertising content must be truthful and accurate, and must not mislead our readers. Clearly distinguishable: Advertising content must be clearly distinguishable from our editorial content through the use of visual design elements and clear labeling. No interference with editorial independence: Advertising content must not interfere with our editorial independence or the integrity of our editorial content. Compliance with laws and regulations: All advertising content must comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including those related to advertising, privacy, and data protection. If you have any questions or concerns about our Advertising Policy or Advertising Guidelines, please contact us at

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Phone: 982-3010477


Ph: ++977-1-5172640 | | Publisher : Mellow Arc Media Pvt.Ltd.| Editor: Madhusudan Bajgain| Reg.No: 00102/078-079
Daily News Nepal