The newly formed Janata Samajbadi Party joined the Pushpa Kamal Dahal-led government on Monday. President Ramchandra Paudel administered the oath of office to Pradip Yadav as Minister for Health and Population, and Prime Minister Dahal swore in Hasina Khan as State Minister for Health and Population.
The party had earlier recommended the names of Yadav, Khan and Ranju Jha for ministerial positions, though Jha's appointment is uncertain as no portfolio is currently vacant. Nawal Kishor Shah Sudi from the same party is already the Minister for Forest and Environment.
This came after a group led by Ashok Rai split from the Upendra Yadav-led Janata Samajbadi Party Nepal last week to form the new Janata Samajbadi Party.
As the new party joined the government, the Upendra Yadav faction has pulled out of the coalition. Earlier on Monday, Deputy Prime Minister and Health Minister Upendra Yadav, as well as State Minister for Forest and Environment Deepak Karki, resigned citing the changed political context after the party split.
The newly appointed Minister of Health and Population, Pradeep Yadav, has made it his first priority to increase the staffing levels at several major government hospitals.
Health Secretary Madhusudan Burlakoti stated that staffing will be increased at institutions including National Academy of Medical Sciences (NAMS) Bir Hospital, National Trauma Center, Kanti Child Hospital, and several other large hospitals and health facilities. The increase will be based on organization and management surveys of the hospitals.